Teppanyaki, said to be originated from a Kobe steakhouse, over the last several years has gained popularity all around the world. “Teppanyaki”, along with sushi and tempura, is indeed one of the most well-known names in Japanese cuisine.
The best parts about teppanyaki are, first of all, the highly-skilled chefs’ great cooking techniques showcased before your very eyes. Second of all, the sizzling sound and appealing aroma that fills the air as fresh ingredients are cooked on a large iron griddle. These elements will definitely boost your appetite and there is no wait to enjoy these absolutely fresh ingredients.
Today, the cooking performance of teppanyaki chefs’ is drawing attention worldwide since guests can enjoy not only savory dishes but also engage in conversations while watching an exciting cooking performance right in front of their seats.
At our teppanyaki restaurant “Ousaka”, we proudly offer first-class brand beef such as Omi beef and Kobe beef at affordable prices. Enjoy our authentic steak selection with a marvelous night view of the city of Osaka.
Foreign language menus (English, Chinese, and Korean) and English-speaking staff members are always ready to welcome you. During the 2019 G20 Osaka summit period, the Turkish president and their party visited our restaurant and greatly enjoyed our dishes. We hope that all of you stop by and experience our top-quality steak dishes at our teppanyaki-style restaurant “Ousaka”. It will be one of the most memorable moments that you’ll have here in Osaka.
Store infomation

Hotel Plaza Osaka
The Hotel Plaza Osaka is a quick 3-minute drive and a 5-minute walk from Juso Station (Hankyu Line), the next station of Osaka Station (JR) / Umeda Station (Hankyu Line).
Our location is quite favorable as there are direct trains to Osaka Umeda Station, Kyoto Kawaramachi Station, and Kobe Sannomiya Station from Juso Station.
There are also many convenient facilities around Juso Station, such as drug stores and shopping malls.
The Hotel Plaza Osaka is one of Osaka’s top-class hotels that holds 653 rooms. On the 19th floor, you’ll find a teppanyaki restaurant named “Ousaka”. There you can enjoy authentic Kobe beef while taking in the view of Osaka's immaculate nightscape. We also have 6 additional restaurants and bars, a gym (with a pool) managed by GOLD’S GYM, a golf driving range (Clover Village Golf Club), and more.
For foreign guests, a lounge where you can experience Japanese culture named "IROHA Lounge" is provided. Here, guests can try on Kimonos and can even wear them out and return them later that afternoon. The renovated hotel has various types of rooms available for your convenience. There are rooms for visitors staying alone and for families (46㎡ rooms). Every room has Wi-Fi available and a smartphone service called "handy", equipped with unlimited data usage. We encourage you to use this service to make domestic and international calls.
We, with a sincere heart, would like to offer all our guests exquisite hospitality and a wondrous experience beyond expectation. We hope you enjoy your stay with us.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Plaza-Osaka-Hotel-105788714158853/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/plazaosaka/